About Us

Vindictus Trix is a Fansite brought to you by the Trixologist. We are dedicated to presenting all the news and latest info about Vindictus.

Gameplay, Fashion, and Tips will always reign supreme but we take it a step further and offer in depth topics centered on things that matter to the more inquisitive player. From Updates and Vindictus Sightings to Game Management, we'll keep you in the loop about performance, changes and decisions for our game.

Emma Malina Shop Keeper
Emma - Malina NPC


Each of our recurring segments offer candid commentary.  We turn things inside out and present our opinion on them for you to love or hate.

Content Reviews

A players perspective on Content, Revamps and Event updates for Vindictus.

Focus on Quality

This featurette is based on Owen Mahoneys (CEO, Nexon) 2014 Corporate Initiative to offer better quality and our view of Vindictus West [NA and EU] as we root for their progress toward that goal.


Highlighting those things in and out of the game that make the Vindictus Community great, our spotlight will be shining on Fansites, Players, Videos and Artists, keeping you in touch with the best of Vindictus.


We are actively seeking contributors from NA and EU, so hit us up if you'd like to be a part of Vindictus Trix.


I'm an original Evie in Vindictus. I began playing when she was released in 2010 and have loved her and the game since then.

The Trixologist
TrixiEEEE /Trixologist
I'm the GM of the Inner Sanctum Guild, East Server NA. I hang out on channel 116 (all NA servers), the Vindictus Forums and over in EU too.  While I have a portfolio of 15 characters, Evie remains my main and favorite. Lynn will be a welcome addition to the collection.

My favorite runs are: Holy Ground, Black Belly Hero, Colru, and Havan from Season 2.  My non-Vindi days are spent as an Organizational Development Consultant.  I will be offering insight on Vindictus from a business standpoint as well as my own player perspective and that of a girl gamer too.

Sanctum Crew don't forget to pop by the Inner Sanctum Page
Visit: TrixiE's Lair


Krazy Kanzo

I am Karok! I currently boast a tier 2 defense (12K) Karok on the East server and I love to Clash. 

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence....get it together Rookie!
Visit: Kanzo's Kave


Hardcore Holly

Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeee's Holly!
Mischief and Mayhem left themselves on the forums.
Holly's got a brand new bag and is sharing it with you.

Visit: Holly's Hideaway

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Vindictus EU: Interview with a GM (Pt III)

The Nexon EU staff hosted a third installment of Questions and Answers with this time focusing on questions regarding their support team ...