May 30, 2014

A New World Rises - Vindictus Changes [NA]

"Welcome to the New Vindictus. Welcome to a world beyond."

Lots of changes in store for Vindictus  NA
The times they are a changin' in Vindictus
Directly from the desk of...Zoltar, Vindictus Community Manager, More Changes in store for Vindictus NA...

This is a big one. Zoltar has posted a message indicating seemingly drastic changes for our world. A post entitled "A New World Rises" was added to the forums.

It reads like a memo, describing things to come, touching on major aspects of the CHANGE but remaining as ominous as ever, the message did manage to include a semi-official statement on the significance of the "new logo".

Vindictus Changes Coming
Click to read Zoltars Message

It seems that we will be getting a "sexier and sleeker" Vindictus coming with the new forums (thank gawd) and that the ingame in experience will also be changing... 

Whoa...whoa...whoa...Personally, I'm not sure what exactly to think about that part. I'm all for "good" change, but watering down the game is not something I'm up for.  While that MIGHT not be what is being indicated, I can't help but think about all those constant complaints on the forums. As loud and comprehensive as some of those complaints are there is good reason to avoid listening to them.  In fact, caving in to the majority of those would be bad for business. Ironically, I wrote a spoof article on that a few months ago called "This Isn't the Game You Want".

Though Zoltar was rather ominous in the pronouncement of change, he did try to correlate the new logo to the change and describe how they felt it embraced the Celtic lore that resounds throughout Vindictus. This connection is a bit late and probably should have been delivered with the initial message to avoid the rollout reaction, but is appreciated none the less.  

I can say I most definitely am up for actually improving the game and player experience, both the little and big things without watering it down or catering to only one type of player. 

As someone who gets excited about any type of change from a business perspective, I'm especially intrigued as to what Nexon has in store for us and more importantly - how they handle the transition.  

Zoltars message can be read below and includes the following highlights.

Changes covered include:
  • New Logo/Rebranding
  • New Forums
In game Experience
  • Combat
  • Battle EXP
  • Character Selection Screen
  • Rebuild of the Monetization system...from the ground up

...I'm reserving my official judgement until we receive more about these changes "in print" and they become actualized. There is no sense in speculation right now but we'll be watching closely and providing some insight (and scrutiny) in the "Focus on Quality" segment.

Zoltars Avatar
Zoltars Avatar
Posted by Zoltar, Vindictus Community Manager - Nexon [NA] [2:26 PM PST]

As you may have noticed, Vindictus now sports a new logo, both on the Nexon Launcher and in-game. Astute players may have noticed that the logo, inspired by the same Celtic mythology Vindictus is based on, features the goddess Morrighan at its center. This attention to detail not only shows our appreciation for the game's lore, but the direction we are taking Vindictus in the future. We want the style, look and feel of Vindictus to match the brutal combat and dark world players have come to know and love.

To that end, we are improving the in-game experience in addition to the new logo, new art, and new brand image. From technical changes that will improve the combat and battle experience to a more streamlined character selection window, we're implementing changes that will improve your Vindictus experience across the board. We're also redesigning our game forums to provide you with a deeper, more immersive, and more enriching community experience. More details on forum changes will arrive later this summer.

In addition, we're rebuilding the monetization system from the ground-up. We hate the label "pay-to-win" and want to ensure that Vindictus is fun for all. This is a work in progress, and we’ll have more details for you on our new shop system in the coming months.
Though we know change can be scary, we believe that ultimately these adjustments will better reflect the true spirit of Vindictus.

Welcome to the new Vindictus. Welcome to a world beyond.
- The Vindictus Team

May 29, 2014

Vindictus Family Welcomes Lynn


Today the Nexon Europe Vindictus family formally introduced their region to:
 Lynn, the Dancing Blade.

Lynn Princess of the Lost Kingdom - Coming Soon
Lynn - Princess of the Lost Kingdom

Players were pleasantly surprised to find the Story of Lynn impeccably posted on their website. Lynn is the upcoming character being released in both Europe and North America in the middle of June '14.

May 27, 2014

New Mobile Game: Durango

New Title for the makers of Vindictus

Brought to you by What!Studio and Nexon, Durango is a survival MMO set in the wilderness. Watch the trailer and check out that NAME DROP 23 seconds in!!!

Its sort of  really nice to see Vindictus being used to publicize new games - we still need some specifically for us though.
NPC - Strange Traveler
Strange Traveler...Mysterious DevCat

Read on for some other juicy news about DevCat.

The game is still in its early stages so not much is known.  Durango is set in the past and I'm talkin' way back - yup, the prehistoric era.  Back when the girls wore denim jean shorts while hunting for berries and the men rode dinosaurs as they shot them with harpoons...wait what!?!

May 24, 2014

Spotlight: Extreme Damage Staffie

      Spotlight on...

Draciel - KR Premier Server
Dealing Extreme Damage as a Staffie

Draciel is the epitome of a beast in Vindictus. Armed with his Staff in hand he dishes out spell after spell with deadly results. Fomors everywhere fear the wrath of the almighty mage, Draciel!   

May 22, 2014

Nexon NA: Min Kim Appointed Chairman AIAS, Vindictus on Display

Nexon sporting a Vindictus background
Today Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences (AIAS) announced changes to its Board members including the promotion of our very own Min Kim as Chairman. The news also brings some exposure to Vindictus - the worlds best free to play action MMO.

Congratulations Min Kim!

The AIAS Board is composed of 15 volunteer directors, each of whom are leaders and trailblazers in their field.  AIAS is looking to the new Board to bring keen expertise from each of their respective fields to help advance the mission of AIAS projects and initiatives.

But that's not all. This is also great news for VindictusCheck out that Nexon logo....Vindictus is prominently displayed on the AIAS press release as the backdrop for the Nexon logo.

Could this be another sign of change in the air?  Could Nexon really start advertising Vindictus more frequently? Could we, dare I say become the flagship of the NA branch?! Stay tuned, we'll be watching.

Update May 24

To find out more about AIAS and the changes to the Board, please visit their site:
Keep reading for a Min Kim throwback...

Vindictus: May 2014 Patch Notes [NA]

Hero Glas is no match for the Royal Army!
Hero Rocheste Raids
In the world of Vindictus, the summer months are a brief moment of relaxation for mercenaries. It is the only time of the year that the rains truly cease, and be it the increased heat or sunlight, something makes Fomors and other monsters less likely to emerge from the dank holes they call home.

Karok has taken this opportunity to hone his pillar into a weapon of even greater power. He'll need his Karok Revamp because the new Hero Mode Raids make even the easiest dungeon a true challenge.

No longer harried by monster attacks, the townsfolk of Vindictus have started to host carnivals, fairs and other events to celebrate the warm weather. Take part in the month long Golden Time Event or participate in Monster Bingo.

Read on for more details...

May 21, 2014

Sexy Matador and Flamenco Dress Hits Vindictus [EU]

Today EU Announced the release of these hot new Outfittters.

Time to show some pride!

I wish NA could have had these for Cinco de Mayo. I plan on picking mine up so I can take my Evie Salsa Dancing. Those strap up heels are to die for ~ just what Evie needs for Summer!

Vindi Fashionistas are pleased :)
*Images courtesy of Vindictus EU*

Update: The Matador and Flamenco Dress Outfitters were released in NA during the May 21, 2014 Content Update

May 20, 2014

Vindictus Receives New Logo

Change is in the air over at Vindictus [NA]

New Logo as revealed Friday

Friday, Nexons North American action title, Vindictus unveiled a new logo that sent shockwaves through its playerbase. Players were led on a scavenger hunt spanning several hours of hunting for clues revealed on Facebook, Twitter and the NA Forums.

 The effort was led by Zoltar - Community Manager [NA], feeding the clues directing the crowd to put together the puzzle. Piece by piece the tension built, excitement boiled and players were intrigued as they attempted to "Unravel the Mystery".

Once the final piece was in place, my fellow Vindiers processed the news...
Vindictus is getting a new logo. 

Nexon Reveals New Vindictus Logo

Change is in the air over at Vindictus [NA]

New Logo as revealed Friday

Friday, Nexons North American action title, Vindictus unveiled a new logo that sent shockwaves through its playerbase. Players were led on a scavenger hunt spanning several hours of hunting for clues revealed on Facebook, Twitter and the NA Forums.

 The effort was led by Zoltar - Community Manager [NA], feeding the clues directing the crowd to put together the puzzle. Piece by piece the tension built, excitement boiled and players were intrigued as they attempted to "Unravel the Mystery".

Once the final piece was in place, my fellow Vindiers processed the news...
Vindictus is getting a new logo. 

Dragon Nest Warrior's Dawn Official English Trailer


It actually looks pretty dern good. This exciting revelation is sure to give their game a player boost and should mean great publicity for Nexon and other Nexon Vindictus!

The movie is set to be released in 3-D and expected to hit the US in late Summer/early Fall.  I think I might watch JUST to make sure they threw in some of my favorite dance emotes in there :)

May 15, 2014

Part 2: Nexon Promises to Focus on Quality: Q1 - Strategy and Vindictus

Nexon has promised shareholders to renew its focus on quality this week as its first quarter results show revenue and profit growth have slowed.

Part 2 - Strategy and Vindictus

Part 1: Nexon Promises to Focus on Quality: Q1 - Financial Results

Nexon has promised shareholders to renew its focus on quality this week as its first quarter results show revenue and profit growth have slowed. What will this mean for Vindictus? Pt 1 of 2.

May 1, 2014

Evie: Ice Blow Tips

I thought this was kinda cool to show your Ice Blow and perhaps it might help with placement.

Ice Blow is not only fun but can hit up to 8 times.

I know a lot of Evies don't use it in their rotation for various reasons but one of those reasons is because they don't feel like they can achieve most of the hits.

For Ice Blow, it is the shards of ice that do the damage.  The range of the blow is far and its arc is wide.  Build your ice arch so that the shards are released toward the enemy (rather than on top of or inside of him)to obtain 6-8 hits.  When the shards break, your damage will be applied.  These shards can also travel far so you have some breathing room, hop back if you need to before executing. You can notice its distance and long reach if you're ever using the move during a Duel.

Important note, the shards apply damage, whether or not the boss is frozen from the action. Damage Chart Excerpt

No Damage Done here
Build your arc

Its really more like a water fall thrown at someone
Ice Shard Release path

Listen as they connect
8 Wondermous Hits!

This is based on my experience.  Most of you know, I'm not a damage junkie and I could generally care less about the numbers but I feel this skill is underused and I wanted to show the placement, path and animation.

Feel free to offer different insight.
I leave you with a cool side view screenshot. :cool:

Pretty Cool
The side view
Follow up notes: 

  • The range on Ice Blow is ridiculous, the guidance provided was to give the maximum potential for impact.
  • When the Ice breaks, shards fly both forward and backward so if you are in the middle of being attacked, your Ice Blow will hit and damage will be applied, just not the full amount.
  • You can hear the impact of the ice freezing  as well as when it breaks. 
  • Don't forget to get your Freeze Bonus.
  • Ice Blow is AWESOME in PVP.
  • A good boss to practice your Blow on is Shakarr or the Emperor in Holy Ground.
Originally posted to Vindictus Forums

Vindictus EU: Interview with a GM (Pt III)

The Nexon EU staff hosted a third installment of Questions and Answers with this time focusing on questions regarding their support team ...